This forum allows you to post your INDEPENDENT STUDY ideas/proposal, seek other students help or advices and create a strong network of Earthship students.
This will allow us to speed up Independent Studies completion and connect students to make successful Earthship projects and spread the word of sustainability!
Posts 1 to 3 of 3
Share12017-10-25 21:11:21
Share22017-10-25 21:25:59
Hi Everyone,
This is Kirsten. We are testing this forum as a place to share Independent Study proposals and progress.
Share32017-11-16 00:31:51
Here is a list of Independent studies that you could pursue,
in order to graduate from the Earthship Academy:
- Create a user friendly maintenance booklet for Earthship homes.
- Create a list of Earthship inspired buildings across the World.
- Create serious datas, recorded in a map to locate the "pocket of freedoms" across the World.
- Translate a book from Michael Reynolds or the Academy textbook in a foreign language.
- Make documentaries about Earthship and spread the word!